Here’s the answer. If you’ve been adjudicated mentally ill, you can no longer legally possess any firearm or any ammunition. But she was not taken before a judge. So homicidal, suicidal, mental health issues, and yet she, no red flag law was involved. All right. So that’s number one.
Number two, the overwhelming majority of mass shooters signal to someone what they’re about to do. So I’m not talking about a moral obligation to let folks know. I mean, they can sort that out for themselves. How about a legal obligation if you know someone in your household is talking about shooting up a school. I don’t care about your moral obligation. I want you to have a legal responsibility to go tell someone.
Alright Sandra, what doesn’t work? I confess I used to think having law enforcement officers at a school would help. The evidence does not suggest that it does. I used to hear from my colleagues in the House. Oh, we need more legislation. Most guns are lawfully purchased. And the legislation I constantly hear about is closing the gun show loophole. Okay, fine. Close it. But that will not stop a single mass shooting.
So I’m interested in red flag laws. I’m interested in responsibilities to turn people in. And I’m interested in this country, reckon, having a reckoning with the fact that we talk about every right, all the rights we have except the right for a seven-year-old to learn to read and write without getting murdered. How about that right? How about the right to go to elementary school without being murdered? Where does that fall in our hierarchy of rights in this country?
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