The school choice movement is sweeping the nation like a tidal wave this year with multiple states having already passed new programs, and several others (Georgia and Florida) rapidly advancing their own legislation as we speak.
Opponents of school choice, which to be quite candid mostly just include teachers, their unions, and other government bureaucrats (the people who profit off the status quo) have few credible lines of attack against the programs. It’s hard to argue that government schools are slaying it these days. Letting families determine how to direct their tax dollars and pick the educational path that’s best for their unique children has been popular across many demographics.
But one common attack the opposition tries to make against school choice is that, you guessed it, it’s racist. The Left’s old one trick pony defense when all else fails. How exactly is giving parents their tax dollars and letting them pick where to send their kids to school racist? You’ve got to jump through some mental gymnastics with them, but essentially their argument is that choice programs will allow white flight from public schools and leave black kids with even worse outcomes than they already get in the system.
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