We have often discussed DePaul University as a school with a long record of speech suppression, including cancel campaigns targeting journalists. Now the students are pushing to ban a new student group because it does not support LGBTQ rights. The group is “non-affirming” of LGBTQ rights and apparently must be made a non-entity by the university.A Change.org petition demands the banning of a group called Vessel because it favors sexual restraint and calls itself “non-affirming” of the LGBTQ agenda. …
On an Instagram page that was later removed, Vessel posted a Q&A exchange, including a query of whether the group was “affirming of the LGBTQ+ lifestyle.” Vessel responded “We are non-affirming. This means that we do not agree the LGBTQIA+ lifestyle is supported by biblical text.”
I can understand why many students are offended by the position, but this is part of a diverse academic environment. There are many groups espousing support for such rights and lifestyle choices. That is the very essence of higher education in allowing a diversity of viewpoints and passionate but civil discourse.
[And that would matter — if Academia was interested in those values or oriented toward education. These days, neither is true. Academia is interested only in political indoctrination, even increasingly in the sciences, and does not value debate or viewpoint diversity in the slightest. I’ll have more on that in my podcast today. — Ed]
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