Pulling the rug out: Pelosi WAAHS when Biden removes veto threat

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) criticized President Joe Biden’s handling of a controversial Washington D.C. crime bill on Friday, claiming he should have given House Democrats a warning that he would sign the bill should it pass the Senate.


Biden’s decision to not veto the bill has been perceived as a victory for Republicans, who passed the legislation in the House of Representatives with full support on Thursday.

“If [Biden] was going to do it, I wish he would’ve told us first, because this was a hard vote for the House members,” Pelosi said at an event at the University of Chicago, according to the Hill. “It’s a hard vote for the Senate members. The mayor of the District of Columbia even differed from the legislators who passed it, so it wasn’t that clear.”

The bill has been met with backlash by Democrats in Congress, because it overturns parts of a crime bill that was passed by the city’s council in January. D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser (D) attempted to veto the crime bill, but it was overruled by the city council in a 12-1 vote.

[This is delicious. ~ Beege]

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