CNN: New study finds recession necessary to end inflation

There’s been a lot of optimism in recent months we’re on that downward trajectory, but some of that downward trajectory may be starting to stall out right now.


>> A new report came out by a leading economist at a conference organized by the University of Chicago Booth school of business, and the study found, quote, no instance in which a significant central bank-induced disinflation occurred without a recession. So is the Fed, in raising rates to bring down inflation, actually leading us to closer to a recession?

>> Will it cause one is the real question here. One of the best things about our current economy is we spent all of 2022 talking about is the economy in recession. It turns out it just wasn’t. People were somehow feeling it but in the real data the economy kept motoring along pretty well in 2022. This is the really good news. We’re hitting 2023 with a lot of momentum. the Fed is going to try to slow that momentum, but the more momentum we have, the more likely it is that the economy is going to keep on moving on. The number of economists forecasting recession has started to go down. There’s actually a bit more …

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