A mental health advocate has launched a furious defense for the 6’6″ boy, 17, who attacked and knocked a teaching aide unconscious after she took his Nintendo Switch away from him.
Sue Urban – whose 17-year-old son graduated from Matanzas High School before taking his own life – has responded to the incident where a 17-year-old special needs student, who weighs 270 pounds, attacked his teaching aide on Tuesday.
Neither the student nor the teaching aide’s names have been released publicly.
‘This is not this child’s fault. He is not a threat,’ Urban said in an emotionally Facebook Live. ‘This is a mental health issue. This is a problem with our system, it is broken.
‘That post needs to be removed from the Flagler County Sheriff’s website immediately.’
Urban, who also has a stepson in the same behavioral wing as the boy in the video, told DailyMail.com this special wing is for ‘children that are not in the general population of the high school,’ and that her son and the boy were ‘school friends,’ but in separate classes.
‘This is not just a thug,’ she told DailyMail.com. ‘People need to be educated on children that have ESE [Exceptional Student Education]. They should also be educated on impulsive aggression behavior, and that most times these children do not understand the consequences of the behavior.’
[Yeah. No. He IS a threat. That body laying in the hall proves that. If it’s “not his fault” that his condition coupled with his enormous size makes him a danger to those who interact with him and try to help, then something needs to be done to protect THEM. ~ Beege]
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