An old scandal from last year has ballooned into a much larger issue for the Department of Defense. In the midterm cycle, a Democrat oppo-research group obtained the military records of Republican candidate Jennifer-Ruth Green—and exposed her victimization by sexual assault while in the Air Force.
This week, we learned that Green was not the only victim of such leaks. The Air Force acknowledged that the same group got at least eleven such files in the election. On Tuesday, two House Republicans came forward to reveal that they had been alerted to the breach. Representatives Don Bacon and Zach Nunn both want answers in this scandal, confidential information from their Air Force service leaked to Democratic operatives.
It all puts warnings about “the swamp” into a new light. It looks like employees at Defense exploited their positions to influence an election on behalf of Democrats. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin needs to answer for this—and tell us just how long this may have gone on.
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