Salon: Why children should vote

As we scroll Salon on Sunday morning, we come across this piece written by Gail Cornwall. The long-winded interview with law professor, Adam Benforado, ultimately makes the argument of why children should be allowed to vote.


The article focuses on points made by Benforado in his new book entitled “A Minor Revolution“.

“Children still end up on the street when their families can’t make rent. Not a handful of children—millions. They experience lead poisoning, toxic metals in baby food, death trap bassinets, and vaping. Among the twenty richest countries in the world, America is dead last on childhood mortality. Car crashes and firearm injuries persist as the leading causes of child fatalities because we’ve vigorously blocked gun and vehicle safety laws that our peers passed years ago.. We know so much more about what is good and bad for young people, but we do so much less about it. Why?”

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