Graduate students on strike get a lesson in FAAFO

Graduate student workers on strike at a prominent Pennsylvania university are expressing outrage after the school cut off their benefits and sent them a bill.

The Temple University Graduate Students Association (TUGSA), whose workers have been on strike for two weeks looking for a new labor agreement from the school, said that graduate students received an email Wednesday saying their tuition reimbursement benefit has been cut off, CBS Philadelphia reported.


“As a result of your participation in the TUGSA strike, your tuition remission has been removed for the spring semester,” the email to students said. “You now owe the full balance listed in TUpay, which is due by Thursday, March 9.”

“If your balance is not paid-in-full by the due date, you will be assessed a $100 late payment fee and a financial hold will be placed on your student account. This hold will prevent future registration.”

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