More fun with socialism: In Cuba, toilet paper is for tourists

Socialism in action: The only factory on the island that produces toilet paper for the entire country is sending all its production to regime-owned hotel and resorts. Cubans are left to continue wiping their behinds with state-run newspapers.


Via CiberCuba (my translation):

Toilet paper in Cuba only for tourists
The Sanitary Products Company (Prosa) in Cardenas, which is supposed to cover the demand for toilet paper for the entire country, will only produce the product for the tourist sector due to the lack of raw materials and financing to import the amount of material required.

In the midsts of a serious crisis in basic products, the factory only obtained enough raw material to produce the so-called “luxury” toilet paper to cover the needs of the first four months of 2023 of the tourist sector, “its most important client.” Small quantities sold for hard currency only will be made available, said the company’s director, Manolo Gonzalez Garcia, in a report in the state-run newspaper Granma.

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