China not happy about upcoming Biden decision on Huawei access

The Biden administration is reportedly considering cutting off Huawei from all American technology. The move would be the biggest crackdown on the Chinese telecommunications company to date.


The Financial Times was the first to report the possibility, with a source saying it would be “catastrophic” for the company. The harsh course of action is in part inspired by the U.S. government’s fears that Huawei helps China engage in spying. Huawei has denied this claim. …

The Biden administration has continued the squeeze on the company in the name of national security. According to multiple reports, a decision has not yet been made on whether to indefinitely halt export licenses previously granted to U.S. suppliers in limited circumstances.

[This is the right choice. China uses Huawei to crowd out other potential suppliers in the West, and also to gain access to technology and communications. If Biden does indeed move forward with a complete isolation of Huawei, it will be one of his better decisions. — Ed]

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