Hollywood has a "secret" Kavanaugh documentary. What could go wrong?

Heading into his first doc, Liman sought out a practiced producing partner. Investigative veteran Amy Herdy’s credits include the college campus sexual assault doc The Hunting Ground and the Russell Simmons sexual misconduct doc On the Record. “When I was initially approached, I was intrigued,” says Herdy, who serves as a producer on Justice. In 2018, she had reached out to Ford’s attorney about the possibility of following her throughout and in the aftermath of the public hearings. “I was very politely told, ‘No.’”


Prep on Justice began at the beginning of 2022 with Herdy and her investigative team, including former investigative journalist Cali Bagby and retired federal intelligence and security agent Noel Engels, diving into the publicly known allegations against Kavanaugh and tracking down the sources of the uninvestigated FBI tips. Filming began in earnest in the spring.

Justice includes testimonials from Ramirez, as well as friends of Ford’s and college contemporaries of Ramirez’ and Kavanaugh’s, among many others. The doc also features new information that filmmakers say was submitted as tips to the FBI that is presented in the film as corroborating evidence to both Ford’s and Ramirez’ accounts. It also dives into a third incident that was submitted to the FBI — and, was later revealed, went uninvestigated — by a former Yale classmate that claimed he witnessed Kavanaugh at drunken dorm party where friends forced his penis into the hand of a female student.

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