The Oklahoma City police arrested on Wednesday the mother of the teenager responsible for the mass shooting at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, and charged her with threatening a man.
The woman, Adriana Martinez Reyes, was taken into custody after she threatened to kill the man with whom she had been living, according to a police report. Ms. Reyes, 40, volunteered during her arrest that she was the mother of “the one that killed all of the children in the Uvalde Texas shooting,” according to court records. …
The police in Oklahoma City said that on Wednesday morning, officers responded to the second call of the day regarding a home there, to investigate reports of a domestic disturbance. When the officers arrived, according to court records, a man told them that Ms. Reyes had been living with him but that they had had a falling out. The man, identified in court documents as VI Alvarez, told the police that he was disabled and that, even though he was in love with Ms. Reyes, he had grown fearful of her.
It is unclear what led to the confrontation between Mr. Alvarez and Ms. Reyes Wednesday morning. At some point, Ms. Reyes threatened to kill Mr. Alvarez, according to court records.
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