CIA killed JFK?

Do you know where the term “conspiracy theory” comes from? It was a term concocted by the CIA in the mid-60s to ward off those who were beginning to raise questions about the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. A murder that is suddenly back in the news.


Kennedy’s body wasn’t even cold before the verdict was set in concrete: A Marxist loner named Lee Harvey Oswald had acted alone in killing JFK. Our newly sworn-in president, Lyndon Baines Johnson, formed the Warren Commission, and tasked it with convincing America and the world that Oswald did it and did it alone. At first its efforts worked. According to, before the Warren Report was issued, only 29% of Americans thought Oswald had acted alone. Afterwards, that figure jumped to 87%.

But then people began looking closer at the report. New evidence emerged that had been hidden from the American people. And that original instinct that something stunk in Camelot reasserted itself, even as the CIA sought to paint Americans who questioned it as “conspiracy theorists.”

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