Last outstanding House race called for GOP in CA-13

Republican John Duarte defeated Democrat Adam Gray on Friday in a new California U.S. House district in the Central Valley farm belt that produced the closest congressional contest in the state this year.


With virtually all of the ballots counted, Duarte has just over 50% of the vote. Gray conceded in a statement, saying, “I accept the results and have called to congratulate my opponent.”

“This was one of the closest races in the country. More than 130,000 ballots were cast, and the outcome will be decided by just a few hundred votes,” Gray said.

Duarte said in a statement, ““I promised our Valley families that I would be their bipartisan champion in Washington, D.C. by fighting for food on our tables, gas in our tanks, and water on our farms. That is exactly what I am going to go there to do.”

[This pretty much cinches up 222 seats for the GOP, which is exactly what Democrats had in this session. The Colorado-3 race is not yet officially called, as Lauren Boebert’s lead is small enough to trigger the state’s mandatory recount, but Adam Frisch has already conceded it. — Ed]

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