COVID fears ebb to 16-month low

Twenty-eight percent of Americans say they are “very” or “somewhat worried” they will get COVID-19 — the lowest percentage Gallup has recorded since the summer of 2021. …


Most say they think COVID-19 infections will increase “a great deal” (15%) or “a moderate amount” (47%) in the fall and winter months. While the combined 62% who say infections will increase is down slightly from 66% in July, the percentage who believe infections will increase “a great deal” is down more significantly — by eight percentage points — from 23% in July.

The same poll finds the smallest percentages of Americans yet reporting they are steering clear of specific situations because of the coronavirus, including avoiding large crowds (24%), avoiding travel by plane or public transportation (19%), avoiding going to public places (16%) and avoiding small gatherings (13%).

Use of face masks remains fairly common, but the 40% saying they have worn one in the past week when outside their home is also a new low during the pandemic.

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