‘We have to figure out how to beat them in their own game’


HEGSETH: “what are Republicans to do then? Is this a state-by-state effort? Everything you just said we laid out they will declare you and I and everyone else who thinks this way as election deniers and threats to democacy, we’re spinning conspiracy theories. Let’s just say evereything’s above board in Arizona and ned. Let’s just say you are still delaying it in a way that makes people lose confidence in the process. If you were governor or secretary of state. We laid out some of those things they will have to overcome resistance from people to call them bad names.”


RYUN: “Two-prong approach, Pete. Early voting and mail-in ballots it is rife for corruption and fraud. Where we have the ability to outlaw, we must. Where we can’t and I have to tell you after Tuesday nights elections in Michigan and Pennsylvania and other places we better play by the rules of the game that have been laid out for us. If they want to have early voting, universal mail-in and ballot harvesting in their state we have to figure out how to beat them in their own game. I think that’s the only way you’re going to do it in some of these upper Rust Belt blue states. Beat them at their own game, and where we can, we outlaw that.”

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