Final prediction: GOP gets 246 in House, 54 in Senate, and a long-term resurgence

Tuesday’s midterm elections could be a continuation of that political trench warfare. Inflation, crime, progressive attempts at overreach and a general sense that President Biden is not up to the job will likely deliver a surprisingly large victory to Republicans. I predict the GOP will win the national popular vote by about 5.5 points, likely gaining between 31 and 40 House seats in the process. I also expect it will retake control of the Senate, gaining two to four seats.


But the GOP’s victory could also represent a chance for the United States to finally end its political quagmire. Republicans will gain support in almost every voter demographic, but they will make especially large inroads among Hispanics and middle-income suburbanites. These voters are not yet Republicans, but they increasingly recognize they are not modern Democrats.

If the GOP plays its cards right and avoids base-pleasing partisan overreach, it could finally break our country’s stalemate. The White working class’s abandonment of Democrats in the 2010 midterms foreshadowed its movement into the GOP as Donald Trump broke Republican orthodoxy. A similar unorthodox move in 2024 could turn the tables on the Democrats, creating the foundation for a long-term Republican resurgence.

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