The odiousness of discriminating against people on account of race is so much a part of our national consciousness that it’s almost impossible for me to understand how, without the fancy dance and the intentional deceit liberals having been pulling on us for decades, it could have become so much a part of present law (and present culture, which is even worse, but beyond the scope of this entry).
This is so even without considering who the victims are — high school kids applying to college. In other words, the people we have chosen to sacrifice on the Alter of National Guilt are, legally (and in many other ways) children. Is this supposed to make us proud? Last year, they were still learning how to drive. They do babysitting and lawn-cutting for summer jobs. They clean your pool. They still dread the geometry exam. Lots of them are nervous on a date. They have metabolism most readers of this entry will never see again. But for years they did their homework while others partied, and now stand a chance, in the colorblind system they were told it was our national creed to honor, to get into Harvard or Stanford, etc. But in the name of “diversity,” adults have chosen to make them pay the price, and often a big price for their life prospects, for something they had nothing to do with.
Forcing other people — teenagers, no less — to pay the Price of Ancient Guilt is not far-sighted or Greater Justice or The Path to Fairness. It’s immoral and vile, and it’s time to say so.
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