Cubans protest Castro regime in the streets -- again

Cubans in Bejucal and Caibarien have taken to the streets for a second consecutive night to protest the communist Castro dictatorship and demand freedom.

Via Diario de Cuba:


Chants of “Get out of here!” and “Freedom!” were heard Monday night among Cubans in Bejucal during the second consecutive day of protests in the midsts of blackouts. The banging of pots reached the headquarters of the Cuban Communist party in the town of Mayabeque. Meanwhile in Caibarien, Villa Clara, another mass of people took to the streets yelling “a people united will never be defeated!”

Caibarien, October 10, 2022, they shut off the electricity, but we continue demanding freedom. Cuba wants and demands freedom,” said one man who live-streamed the protest in the Villa Clara town.

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