War games: The best move on nukes is not to play

Should the Russians in desperation pull the nuclear card, would the USA do nothing and let the Russians get her way? What precedent does that set? Does anyone think that will stop the Russians from pulling this card again?


Does anyone really think there is a way to control nuclear escalation, that the same people who on the USA side who never saw Kabul collapsing like it did or on the Russians side who didn’t see Kyiv standing like it did – that these two groups – have the insight and nuance to steer around and control each step in the “nuclear escalation ladder?”

If the Russians do an airburst high over the Black Sea, would NATO/USA do a similar airburst over the Arctic? I don’t know. No one does. Do you think the Biden natsec team has run this game yet and has a pre-planned response approved and ready to go?

I don’t.

Even with the best of teams on both sides, these are the “B” and “C” teams, not the “A” teams. Neither side has that record. There is no ladder to escalate on, to pause on each step and ponder. No, once the seal is broken, we have a steep and well greased chute.

Pray for cooler heads, humility, and well secured genies.

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