Gross, embarrassing Gavin Newsom will never be president

Who exactly is Newsom a candidate for? Is Gavin Newsom supposed to help the Democratic Party retain what support it has among non-college white voters in the Midwest? Does he particularly excite black or Hispanic voters? Is he supposed to appeal to moderate suburban women who are worried about which political party is going to go too far? What kind of crossover appeal has he ever demonstrated? …


Gavin Newsom looks like the kind of guy who would have an affair with the wife of his close friend and campaign manager. Or who, when he was 39 and mayor of San Francisco, had a girlfriend who was too young to drink. Or who would dine with a group of 12 at The French Laundry just hours after warning Californians not to gather for the holidays due to COVID. Or who would marry Kimberly Guilfoyle.1 Or who would pose with Guilfoyle like this on Ann Getty’s rug:

Of course, Newsom looks like that kind of guy because he is that guy. He did all those things! He’s practically the opposite of Relatable Joe from Scranton — an effete, sleazy, high-handed liberal from San Francisco who seems like he might hit on your wife, if she’s hot.

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