Fetterman and the decay of a redundant Senate

The Senate should never have been turned over to the popular vote; its 6-year terms were meant to protect the interests of the state, not to assuage the egos of wealthy grifters with national aspirations and allegiances. Allowing people like Fetterman — a broken human, a lumbering construct, an objective correlative to the complete collapse of our political system — to assume such “high” offices, themselves nothing more than a stuffy, parochial retread of the House with 3 times the initial tenure, is an affront to both the senses and the civil order.


We live in a time where federal police and Justice agencies, along with the media and big tech, are at war with anyone who values individual liberty and autonomy. The “semi-fascists” they see all around them like so many red-hatted boogeymen are reflections of themselves as they direct us through their warped looking glass.

And yet we do little to stop them. Because Tweeting doesn’t count.

John Fetterman is but a bulbous blight, the symptom of a far more entrenched cancer on the body politic. He has vowed to be the 51st vote to end the filibuster — and with it, any remaining protections of a minority increasingly cast as enemies of the authoritarian neo-feudal state. He supports an invasion of the US from the south and, with it, the predictable overdose deaths of our children, along with an effective end to our sovereignty. He supports abortion on demand — which disproportionately kills off Margaret Sanger’s “human weeds” as part of the longtime “progressive” embrace of racialism and eugenics — while his own neck carries its presumably very privileged spawn to term.


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