Come on, man (Vatican edition)

Thus when you find a bishop who seems to have some flair, it’s often a shock to the system – which, by a short path, brings us to Archbishop Mario Delpini of Milan and a recent talk that’s generated plenty of reaction here in Italy for his frank commentary about being passed over, again, for a red hat by Pope Francis.


Some are trying to turn the situation into a scandal, with one Milan-area newspaper headlining its banner coverage, “The Archbishop derides the Pope … the Video that’s Making the Vatican Tremble.”

Sorry, but … please. First of all, the Vatican didn’t “tremble” facing hostile empires and dictators over the centuries, so it’s hardly like one bishop’s version of Evening at the Improv is going to bring them to their knees. Second, Pope Francis isn’t exactly known for being cowed by critics.

But more basically, come on, man … if you can’t tell the difference between humor and hostility, you’re missing a Catholic gene. Remember your Belloc: “Wherever the Catholic sun doth shine, there’s always laughter and good red wine.”

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