Senate GOP launches ads in two blue states

The National Republican Senatorial Committee is launching ads this week in the two blue states, a sign that the GOP is seeking to expand the map of Senate battlegrounds this year as Democrats remain on defense over soaring consumer prices — and as polling shows GOP candidates struggling in some other top battlegrounds.


The ads set to air Wednesday, obtained by POLITICO, show photos of Sens. Michael Bennet (D-Colo.) and Patty Murray (D-Wash.) as their faces morph into President Joe Biden’s. A narrator charges that each incumbent senator “just goes along” with Biden as gas, grocery and housing prices have surged.

The Colorado ad says that Bennet votes with the president 98 percent of the time, while the Washington ad hits Murray for a 96 percent voting record with Biden.

The NRSC is spending $765,000 on a week’s worth of television ads in Washington, in addition to $250,000 in Colorado. Democrats in each state have already been on the attack against the Republican challengers there, suggesting the party anticipated that their incumbents could find themselves in tight races.

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