Poll: About two-thirds of Americans disapprove of overturning Roe

Overall, 63% of US adults say they disapprove of the ruling, which upended protections for abortion that had been in place for nearly fifty years, while 37% approve of it. About half, 51%, say they disapprove strongly, including 54% of women.


Views on the ruling are closely tied to a combination of ideology and party, with majorities disapproving among liberal Democrats (93%), moderate or conservative Democrats (81%), independents (71%) and moderate or liberal Republicans (55%). Among conservative Republicans, though, 85% say they approve of the ruling.

Americans younger than 45 are more likely to disapprove of the Supreme Court decision than older adults (74% among the younger group, 54% among those age 45 or older). And older women are far more likely to disapprove than older men (59% of women age 45 or older versus 48% of men in that age group).

Those who disapprove of the ruling largely say that politicians who support legal abortion are not doing enough to ensure access to it (77% say they are not doing enough, 23% say they are).

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