No, really — what if Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez runs for president?

Even if an AOC bid seems in the realm of fantasy to D.C.’s consultant class, it’s a fantasy that plenty of progressive voters would like to see come true.

“We’re just tired of the inequality. Candidates constantly say, ‘we’ll bring wages up’ or ‘we’ll tax the rich,’. But never do,” one such supporter, Joseph Cox of Tampa, told this column…


“Some may want to go after the messenger, but we simply cannot make promises, hector people to vote, and then refuse to use our full power when they do,” she tweeted on June 26, soon after the Supreme Court had struck down Roe v. Wade.

What better way to force a reset of her party, and of politics generally, than running for the highest office — especially if Biden voluntarily relinquishes it?

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