What TrumpWorld really thinks about Thursday's Jan. 6 hearing

What I learned did not corroborate that reporting. In fact, what I learned was antithetical—and worse. I spoke to three people—one big donor and two campaign officials—who all said that the calls and texts in Trump world, according to these three people, had nothing to do with the safety of Mike Pence or his security detail. A very senior 2020 campaign official who agreed to talk on the condition of speaking anonymously told me there are two huge concerns buzzing on the phones of Trump World last night and today:


1. Who leaked the video clip of Trump rehearsing both his Jan. 6 and Jan 7 speeches? The Trump folks didn’t know those clips even existed. They thought they’d been erased.


2. Why did the Democrats throw former campaign officials such as Tim Murtaugh (whose texts decrying the President’s behavior were shown and read aloud) and former Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien (who testified)—both of whom had had no public quarrel with Trump— “under the bus” as opposed to showing footage of the extremists who supported Trump’s stolen election theory—people such as Steve Bannon, Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, and John Eastman? Is it just all politics, to ensure Trump no longer has good campaign staff for his next presidential run? That’s what my sources say Trump World is mulling.

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