DeSantis is the big winner of the Jan. 6 hearings

The Jan. 6 hearings are yet another data point to remind Republican voters that Trump is yesterday’s news. As The New York Times noted, what we are witnessing is “a significant change from October, when a Granite State Poll showed Mr. Trump had support from 43 percent of likely Republican voters; Mr. DeSantis was at 18 percent.”


Correlation does not equal causation. Still, it seems reasonable to suspect that the Jan. 6 hearings are among the factors contributing to Trump’s slump.

“Sarah Longwell, an anti-Trump Republican strategist, has been conducting focus groups of Trump voters since Jan. 6. In her last two, none of the participants wanted Trump to run again—something that hadn’t happened before,” writes Michelle Goldberg in The New York Times.

If only there were some way Republicans could keep what they like about Trump, but get someone who is younger, less focused on putting personal vengeance ahead of scoring wins, and with less baggage…

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