A stain erased

The pro-life goal has been to make sure that unborn children are protected in law and welcomed in life. Our tactics in advancing that goal will have to adapt to the happy new circumstances. In legislatures in strongly pro-life areas, that should mean new laws that prohibit doctors from committing elective abortions and carry penalties sufficient to make that protection effective. In other places, it should mean as much protection as the political balance of forces will allow — and a commitment to do the work of persuasion needed to tilt that balance further toward justice. Everywhere, it should mean private and public efforts to support women bringing life into the world.


The Supreme Court’s cruel decision in 1973 has been complicit in the killing of scores of millions of innocents. It has warped our law, our politics, our medicine, coarsened our social fabric, hardened our hearts. Let us rejoice that this sad episode in our nation’s history has ended, and work to extend the blessings of life.

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