Ted Nugent's solution to school shootings: "Commandos"

Nugent made the proposal during an interview on the Friday edition of Newsmax TV’s Eric Bolling The Balance. The Republican rocker, a former board member of the National Rifle Association and longtime opponent of gun control, blamed school shootings on “the freak in the White House” and a “culture of depravity” before arguing that reducing the number of doors at schools and installing a militarized law enforcement officer inside of each school could be a solution.


“Secure the damn schools,” said Nugent. “I mean, one point of entrance, all other entries locked. Have a real commando. I mean a real tuned-in guy that’s trained in tactics and firepower and criminality. And have him looking for trouble. Not kind of casually walking around.”

“Have a commando that values those children’s lives,” he added. “And have this commando—well trained, tactical-capable individual—looking for trouble and stopping it before it [starts].”

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