Democrats refuse to learn anything

Amusingly enough, what Teixeira suggests isn’t even substantive, merely cosmetic. Biden could accomplish much simply by disavowing Chesa Boudin, the ultra-prog district attorney of San Francisco who was recalled by voters this week in a 60–40 walloping. Boudin is the symbol of everything wrong with Democratic approaches to crime. He is not “incompetent,” as so many observers have claimed. He is in fact highly effective at accomplishing his goals, which are to lock up very few criminals and let property and drug crime blossom, all in the interests of providing aid and comfort to the criminal class, which he considers an oppressed group, at the expense of the rest of us. One of his own former assistant district attorneys, Brooke Jenkins, said that Boudin conceived of his job as that of a public defender, merely disguised as a prosecutor.


It would cost President Biden nothing to give Boudin, and Boudin-ism, a sound verbal thrashing. He’s gone. He just earned 40 percent support in San Francisco. How out of touch do you have to be to align with the left-most slice of the San Francisco polity? Yet just this week we learned that Biden’s own Justice Department is pulling a Chesa Boudin by intervening to give extraordinarily light sentences to a pair of far-left terrorist lawyers who firebombed a police car during the Black Lives Matter riots of 2020. “The only way they hear us is through violence,” said one of the attackers. That’s a forthright confession to terrorism.

Boudinistas aren’t going to vote Republican this fall or any other fall. Democratic donors are not going to sit on their wallets and let Republicans retake the Senate without yet another cycle of gargantuan spending. Yet Biden, leery of his left flank, who represent such a small minority they’re a minority even in San Francisco, is stuck in an endless pattern of never doing anything congenial to his right flank, otherwise known as moderate voters.


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