"They should have a hard time sleeping!"

MICHAEL SHELLENBERGER: My my concern is that my concern is that, I think when our institutions fail us, we are so quick to want to shut down the institutions, want to demonize the people in those institutions. Yes, they got training. The training didn’t work. The answer to it is going to be more training. It’s going to be to get better at it. We focus on when things go wrong, but things don’t. Things mostly don’t go wrong. We need to we need to learn from these mistakes.


BILL MAHER: It’s not institutions. It’s people. It’s not institutions who didn’t run into the building. It’s people. People didn’t do it. It’s not an institution. And by the way, this is part of the problem with police training. Their training is all about how to preserve their life. Now, of course, we want them to be as safe as they can, but it is a job that entails danger. Somewhere they got it into their head, the cops, that. It’s better that I just save, preserve my health. But you’re there to protect and serve us. That’s the deal. You get to , you know, walked all, all the time. Everybody kisses your ass. Everybody has to comply with you. And then once in a while, you just have to ball up and do the job that’s dangerous.

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