Trump is pushing Georgia election lies again. But this time is different.

Trump’s bad-math-and-sour-grapes routine is a familiar one in Georgia by now., but it’s made even less credible by the fact that all four of Trump’s statewide losers — the very ones he seems to be saying were defrauded — quickly conceded their own lopsided races last week with no echo of Trump’s allegations of fraud…


He and his candidates have racked up statewide losses in the last three elections in a row. If he continues to tell GOP voters their votes don’t count, Republicans know they can expect the same results in November that they got last year.

“This is why we have two Democratic senators,” an exasperated senior Republican texted on Tuesday after Trump started up again, referring back to the 2021 runoffs when thousands of Trump voters stayed home instead of going to the polls for Perdue and Kelly Loeffler.

The only thing that stinks in Georgia this year is Trump’s continued meddling in the state’s elections.

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