Parents aren't all right

“There’s almost not a word to express the stress parents are under right now,” says Gloria DeGaetano, a parenting expert and founder of the Parent Coaching Institute. “‘Overwhelmed’ doesn’t cut it. It’s beyond anything we’ve ever experienced.”


What’s happening: Too much.

The rising cost of gas, groceries and other daily expenses — due to inflation, supply chain issues, global uncertainty, the war in Ukraine and Russia’s possible responses with cyberattacks or nuclear attacks — topped the list of stressors reported by Americans in a March poll by the American Psychological Association (APA) and The Harris Poll.

Children have questions about the world’s wars, sadness about the relationships and opportunities the pandemic is robbing from them, and fear and anger about the planet warming.

On top of their kids’ stress, parents have their own worries: 62% of parents said they feared their children could be victims of a mass shooting, according to a 2019 poll by the APA.

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