A grasp at diplomacy as fighting grinds on in Ukraine

Zelensky expressed hope about the fate of the hundreds of Ukrainian forces at the plant, bolstering the prospect of future talks with Russia.

“I said during the bombardment that if they destroy the people in Azovstal, there will never be any discussions with Russia. Today we saw that they found a way to let these people live,” Zelensky said in the interview that aired Saturday.


“Time changes things,” he added. “There are various situations. It all depends on the time.”

In a surprise visit, Polish President Andrzej Duda on Sunday addressed the Ukrainian parliament in Kyiv, the first in-person appearance by a foreign leader since the war began. He reiterated Poland’s support for Ukraine and called on Russia to withdraw.

“Only Ukraine has the right to decide its future,” Duda said, according to a translation. “The international community must demand that Russia end its aggression and leave Ukraine completely.”

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