Poll: 68% of Republicans want Biden impeached

A roughly equal percentage of Americans (66%) do not believe that President Biden should be impeached if Republicans retake the majority in November — perhaps as a consequence of the fact that Biden has not been credibly accused of any crimes in office.


But according to a new UMass Amherst Poll conducted by YouGov, a full 68 percent of Republicans want Biden impeached by a GOP-controlled Congress. The pollster predicts pressure to impeach will only increase among Republicans:

While just over one-third of the poll’s 1,000 respondents (34%) say that a GOP-controlled House should impeach Biden, 68% of Republicans and Trump voters and 66% of conservatives all would like to see the President charged by Congress for treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors, the formal criteria for impeachment laid out in the Constitution. Asked if they think that a Republican-controlled House actually will impeach Biden, 44% of the poll’s respondents said they think it will, while over half of Republicans (53%) said they think it will.

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