Fact-checking Dinesh D'Souza's "2,000 Mules"

Here’s what’s important to keep in mind, outside of the specific case of Arizona. Even if a vote is illegally harvested in a state where harvesting is illegal, but the vote itself has not been tampered with in any way (i.e. it is signed and sealed) the vote itself would still be considered a legitimate legal vote.


In the film, D’Souza relies on surveillance footage supposedly showing “mules” dropping off ballots at drop boxes. But the footage doesn’t show this. The biggest issue, as Garrett Archer, data analyst at ABC15 in Phoenix and former senior elections analyst at the Arizona secretary of state’s office points out, is that we don’t see any surveillance footage of the “mules” going to drop boxes more than once.

An example: D’Souza and True the Vote focus on one particular “mule” from North Carolina who allegedly went to the ballot box multiple times and had been identified in a number of locations. But we only see surveillance footage of her at one location for the entirety of the movie. Engelbrecht and Phillps, in an interview with D’Souza, say it’s suspicious that this particular woman is wearing gloves, which can be seen in the video surveillance footage.


It’s easy to understand why some might regard such behavior as suspicious. But, as the Washington Post points out, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, many people wore gloves and masks as health precautions. As he does throughout the film, D’Souza chooses the most nefarious explanation of an event as the only possible explanation without bothering to explain why other plausible explanations must be ruled out.

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