Maher then suggested the number of people identifying as LGBTQ is ‘trendy’ because teenagers like to challenge ‘the squares who brought you up’ and wondering why he saw so many transgender children in his home of California but not in Youngstown, Ohio or the rest of the country.
He said that granting children’s request for puberty blockers and genital surgery makes them part of a culture war they shouldn’t be a part of.
‘Never forget childen are impressionable and very, very stupid,’ Maher said. ‘A boy who thinks he’s a girl maybe is just gay – or whatever [the television character] ‘Frasier’ was
‘And maybe, if life makes you sad, there are other solutions than hand me the d**k saw,’ he added.
Maher wrapped it up by saying that while gender is fluid, that ‘kids are fluid about everything’ and want to be different things when they grow up from one day to the next.
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