A GOP faction votes against Ukraine

This isn’t a binary choice. The U.S. always has problems at home, but it also has interests to protect abroad. The GOP should be a steward of taxpayer money and it was right to insist that more money for Covid-19 move separately from Ukraine aid. But denying aid to Ukraine won’t end the fentanyl scourge, and this Congress has already splurged on infrastructure…


The West’s show of resolve is a warning to other aggressive regimes—e.g., China—that imperialism won’t be cost-free. U.S. leadership on Ukraine, however belated, has inspired Europe to spend more defending itself and to become less dependent on Russian energy. The Ukraine bill includes billions for helping the Pentagon refill depleted weapons stocks, and money for U.S. troop deployments in Europe. All of this enhances U.S. security.

Another objection is that aid is a “blank check” for Ukraine. Hardly. Much of it will go to military hardware that will move immediately to the battlefield. Some of the nonmilitary funds—roughly $5 billion in global food aid—may be wasted. But Ukraine’s economy has been ruined by Russia and needs outside help to sustain the war effort, and the bill sets aside $8.7 billion for economic aid such as keeping government services running.

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