GOP blame game erupts in Pennsylvania governor's race

Even before Election Day, some Republicans in the state are pointing fingers over Mastriano’s expected win, specifically singling out state party Chair Lawrence Tabas. They argue he should have encouraged the party to endorse a gubernatorial candidate, muscled out low-polling contenders, or pushed the GOP to unite behind an alternative to Mastriano.


“At this point, Lawrence needs to own it. He’s the one in charge, so it’s up to him to figure this out,” said Jackie Kulback, the chair of the Cambria County Republican Party. “Honestly, as a state party we need to reevaluate our entire organization. We need to look at reorganization.”…

If Mastriano captures the nomination, “the PA GOP should be held accountable for this cataclysmic disaster, to put it mildly,” concurred Val Biancaniello, a Pennsylvania-based Republican organizer and former Trump delegate who supports White.

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