In the ad posted Wednesday, the Trump Media and Technology Group (TMTG) announced it was looking for a content development manager to create programming for the company’s new streaming service, TMTG+. The channel, the ad reads, will be a “a ‘Big Tent’ platform offering broad-based entertainment rooted in free speech.” The job description promises the service will deliver “a wide variety of non-scripted, scripted, and original content.”
A successful candidate will “generate and develop internal concepts for original unscripted content, short form series episodes and specials,” remain “current on developing trends at networks,” and “stay aware of emerging talent and upcoming non-scripted programming.”…
If TMTG+ launches, the network would provide a regular supply of Trump-controlled media that — along with pro-Trump networks such as One America News — would bolster the twice-impeached former president’s campaign if he opts to run again in 2024.
It would also indulge Trump’s interest in for-profit television. Over the past few years, Trump appeared to express some jealousy over the lucrative deal that former President Barack Obama and ex-First Lady Michelle Obama had struck with the popular streaming service Netflix. According to a former Trump White House official with direct knowledge of the matter, the then-45th president would sometimes complain that he, not Obama, was the one worthy of the big, Hollywood deals because — in Trump’s estimation — he knew how to “get ratings” better than Obama did, largely due to his time hosting The Apprentice. Indeed, Trump spent an uncomfortable share of his term in office openly grousing about what he dubbed the “Obama Netflix.”
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