Ron Johnson takes his anti-vaccine rhetoric to a weird new place

“You’ve got more than 100 doctors here, all of whom will tell you that these shots caused vaccine-induced AIDS. They purposefully gave people AIDS,” Callender claimed without any basis. He made reference to some other conspiracy theories that, frankly, are hard to parse without being immersed in the surreal universe from which they sprang. But his point was that the government was trying to hurt people intentionally…


Johnson interjected.

“So let me challenge you there,” he said. The challenge? Not on the idea that the vaccines caused AIDS or that the FDA was criminally irresponsible in its efforts to get people vaccinated. His challenge instead was that one couldn’t simply “leap to crimes against humanity. You can’t leap to another Nuremberg trial.” You have to take efforts to bring criminals to justice on the world stage slowly…

“Everything you say may be true,” a United States senator said to a lawyer who speculated that the coronavirus vaccines are being intentionally administered to give Americans AIDS.

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