The GOP senator who faulted Trump for Jan. 6 — and lived to tell about it

“The fact that Todd Young’s reelection is a foregone conclusion without a Trump endorsement is a really good thing for the future of the GOP,” an Indiana Republican familiar with Trump’s orbit said. “In too many races, a Trump endorsement is seen as the only thing.”


Young managed his feat in part by scoring the endorsements of 90 percent of Indiana GOP county chairs, to whom he hands out his cellphone number and trades texts routinely. He showered the Indiana Republican Party with $835,000, supporting other GOP candidates around the state. And he’s raised a record-setting $12 million this cycle, building a digital fundraising machine and cashing in national donor chits from his 2020 turn as chair of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, which saw him raise $275 million that cycle, dwarfing the previous record of $151 million…

Young “has worked hard to find common ground” but has sidestepped anything provocative to attract MAGA heat, said Liam Donovan, a Republican strategist and former top aide at the National Republican Senatorial Committee.

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