I voted for Trump twice. He shouldn't run again.

The problem is that Trump’s candidacy is a double-edged sword. It will motivate millions of MAGA Americans, but it also will rouse millions of Democrats, Big Tech and the fake news media to save the world from the horrors of Trump.


If anyone else runs against the Dems – Gov. Ron DeSantis, Mike Pompeo, Sen. Mitt Romney, Sen. Marco Rubio, or some draft choice to be named later – millions of Democrats may stay home rather than come out to re-elect President Joe Biden or Vice President Kamala Harris.

A longtime Democrat consultant in Washington told me the other night that every single Dem he talks to says they want Trump to run. “They’re terrified he could win, but they want him to run because it’ll bring out the Democratic base.”

That might result in a loss for Trump in November 2024 – and four more years of the disarray, strategic blunders, lost credibility, stupidly woke politics and bad economic policies that have descended on us since Biden took office.

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