"Why didn’t Putin invade Ukraine when his boyfriend Trump was in office?"

MR. MAHER: But I know you were watching our show last week and you heard me say, Why didn’t Putin invade Ukraine when his boyfriend, Trump was in office? I mean, Trump stood with him at Helsinki and defended him over our own intelligence agencies. So I was just asking the question. And maybe you do have an answer. Why not? When Trump was in office, it would seem to be the more logical place.


MR. BROOKS: No, he didn’t invade because he didn’t need to, because you only roll out the tanks when you think you’re out of options. And Putin had a grand asymmetric strategy to dismantle NATO from within. And it was working when the commander in chief of the United States Armed Forces calls NATO obsolete. You are on the road to a fifth column victory, and that’s what he was doing, and it’s a matter of fact we know now in 2018. Thank you. Maybe. Well, we know this, in 2018. Trump wanted to pull out of NATO, and it was John Kelly and John Bolton who had to hold him down like a rabid dog to stop him from doing that. And if Trump had won a second term, he would have done it. But Biden being elected caused Putin’s plan to go up in smoke.

MR. MAHER: We don’t know what he would have done. We don’t know why he did what he did.

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