"He and others ... are really acting as stooges of President Putin"

Weber said that the facilities are monitored, and he echoed Nuland’s fear about the potential Russian troops might target them.

Abrams then asked if Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who has made an issue of the labs all week, is asking fair questions about them. Weber replied,


No, we’ve been consistent about this. He and others who are taking this line are really acting as stooges of President Putin. It’s pretty disgraceful to see. They’re feeding right into the Russian propaganda, which is not new. It’s been going on for 15 years. They lie, they make false accusations about the United States surrounding Russia with secret biological weapons laboratories, and it’s just KGB-style dis-information. Just like they blame the HIV/AIDS on a U.S. laboratory in a KGB disinformation operation during the Cold War.

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