The existential sadness of young Democrats

A clear majority, 55%, of young Democrats believe the U.S. is not in the top tier of good countries in the world. If that finding is true, it would help explain why Democrats are much less likely to be willing to defend America.


I believe it goes deeper. Democrats have seen a disproportionate drop in their desire to have children.

It’s a broad malaise. I think Democratic millennials and Zoomers don’t think Americans are good. They don’t think humans are good, for that matter. They especially don’t think the wealthiest 20% of the planet is good.

Is it any wonder? If your leading lights tell you the U.S. is inherently a white supremacist nation, if you think humans are melting the planet, if you believe that 46% of the electorate supports all of former President Donald Trump’s worst traits and the even worse traits that you imagine in him, then of course you wouldn’t spill any blood for America. Of course you wouldn’t want to have children and make more of us.

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