Ms Hall says that she and her social circle “despise what [Boebert’s} causing as a representative for western Colorado”.
“She’s creating a reputation that we’re a bunch of wackos over here, and we’re not – we’re a beautiful community, we’re very community-minded people … this mean-girl attitude of just getting national attention is very detrimental to us on the Western Slope, and it harms our reputation.
“And we’ve worked hard to have a strong reputation of a good place to do business, a good place to raise your family, and … it’s making even a lot of my really good friends throughout the country, who are very strong conservatives and very strong Republicans, make us look like we’re crazy – and we’re not…
Mr Young, who takes care of the VFW grounds, was particularly disgusted by the congresswoman’s performance at the State of the Union address.
“I saw the heckling and, especially to do so when a man is talking about the loss of his beloved son, I mean, that’s lower than snakes***, as far as I’m concerned,” he tells The Independent.
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