Democrats are losing the culture war. A messaging shift won't save them.

So maybe there’s another approach to fix the Democrats’ condition. Maybe a turnaround depends less on the right rhetorical tools, and more on… events on the ground.


Last week’s recall of three San Francisco Board of Education members, who had kept schools closed for months and spent hours trying to remove the names of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln from schools, was a singular event: a landslide vote that was at least in part against “hyper-wokeness” in the most liberal city in America, with the full support of London Breed, the liberal Black woman mayor.

Across the continent in the other most liberal city in America, new Mayor Eric Adams, a Black veteran of the city’s police force, has been striking a strong anti-crime posture, ranging from a relatively generous police budget to resisting the new Manhattan District Attorney’s plan to shun the prosecution of low-level felonies.

If you think having two liberal, Black, big-city, crime-fighting mayors does not suggest a political asset for Democrats, you might want to grab an Uber back to Planet Earth.

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